In Mainco we have committed to communication in our Social Networks Follow us on facebook, youtube, google plus and linkedin; News, tips, recipes ...
Machinery for pastry ...
Great quality, high technology and easy to use:
PM25 work
PM25 PM25 work
Pastry pasto cooker (Cream Cooker - Cuece Cremas) - Crema Pastel de Belem con Fricrema PC25
PASTEURIZADOR Pastry pasto cooker (Cream Cooker - Cuece Cremas) - Crema Pastel de Belem con Fricrema PC25
Pastry pasto cooker (Cream Cooker - Cuece Cremas) - ARROZ CALDOSO CON COSTILLA CON FRICREMA PC25
PASTEURIZADOR Pastry pasto cooker (Cream Cooker - Cuece Cremas) - ARROZ CALDOSO CON COSTILLA CON FRICREMA PC25
Pastry pasto cooker (Cream Cooker - Cuece Cremas) - Panna Cotta en Fricrema PC25
PASTEURIZADOR Pastry pasto cooker (Cream Cooker - Cuece Cremas) - Panna Cotta en Fricrema PC25
Pastry pasto cooker (Cream Cooker - Cuece Cremas) - YEMA PASTELERA SUPERFINA
PASTEURIZADOR Pastry pasto cooker (Cream Cooker - Cuece Cremas) - YEMA PASTELERA SUPERFINA
Makingof about melting machine for chocolate
FUNDIDORA Makingof about melting machine for chocolate
Makingof about melting machine for chocolate
FUNDIDORA Makingof about melting machine for chocolate
Technical Support
tele-diagnosis 'on line' of all the machines acquired with communications modem.
On line help via or by contacting our SAT by dialing +34 947332200
Social Networks
Tools to facilitate your work, as well as a place to share experiences.
Demonstrations in situ
Make an appointment with us so you can check our teams.